If that really was Halla-aho's intention, he probably should've consulted a competent criminal lawyer first. I mean, as for legal merits, there really shouldn't be a need for another precedent on the relevant questions. ECtHR has been on it for years, and there's a fairly recent decision from the Supreme Court of Finland (referring to the European case law as well) which you could hardly hope to come much closer to the material facts at hand now: https://korkeinoikeus.fi/fi/index/ennakkopaatokset/kko20221.html

Halla-aho is personally familiar with the process leading up to the Supreme Court, should these ever make it that far, so he knows that even if expedited, the cases are not likely to get anywhere near even the appellate court level, or maybe any court, before the presidential election. So I guess he figured it wouldn't hurt to at least try shutting some mealy mouths in the meantime, and I guess that could even succeed to some extent. And I can imagine him being genuinelyu pissed off about Kivi sowing doubts about Halla-aho's *personal* pro-Ukraine stance based on a number of confused crackpots in his party. And for what it's worth, he *was* the only major political figure who took part and sang the song in the very first, small but loud demonstration in front of the Russian embassy in Helsinki right after Russia took control of Crimea, mostly consisting of Ukrainians living in Finland. No surprise there knowing his background, though.

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